The Georgios Jakobides Digital Museum, is the first fully digital museum of art in Greece. Organised according to a special museological study based on new technologies, it presents the life and work of the renowned Greek painter through a variety of digital means. It is intended to function as a meeting place for Technology and Art, offering visitors of all ages a visual experience that combines both pleasure and knowledge.
The ground floor offers an insight of Jakobides personality and the major milestones of his life (1853-1932) , through digital applications using archive material illustrating family events, his professional accomplishments and his social circle. Also on this floor, the “Georgios Jakobides, His Life and Work” application offers visitors an alternative way of further exploring the distinguished artist’s life and work.
The first floor is devoted to Georgios Jakobides multifaceted oeuvre, from his early years of study under his teacher Nikiforos Lytras and the works he created in his mature years in Munich, to the portraits of his grandchildren painted at the end of his life. Mythological subjects, scenes of childhood, landscapes, portraits, still life, flower compositions, come alive through a variety of digital means, such as TFT screens, touch screens, bilingual text panels with duratrance images, holoscreens. Various tricks, like the magnifying lenspointing out details on a painting, the illustration of significant elements through interesting graphics amd their comparison to other works of Jakobides himself, his teacher Nikiforos Lytras and major German painters, are but some of the media the Digital Museum uses to enhance the ‘educational’ aspect of art. At the lower level, visitors can watch a video on Jakobides artistic career. The same space is also used for educational activities.
The Georgios Jakobides Digital Museum organizes educational programmes for groups of all school levels, as well as guided tours for adults. The CD-Rom “Inside Georgios Jakobides Studio”, designed especially for children, presents the painter’s works accompanied by interpretive texts and games. All programmes aim at getting the visitor better acquainted with the painter’s multifaceted oeuvre, as well as at encouraging children’s creativity.
The Museum Shop offers CD-Roms, books, posters, cards and objects related to Georgios Jakobides work.