Theme park about Science.
"Karavaki" playground, Bouncy castles, Rocking horse toys, Maze, Soap Bubbles, Magnet alphabet table, Hoop throwing games, Recycling area with educational signs -Can crusher, Tic tac toe tower, Libra scale balancing, Pipe instrument, Gear wall, Kids ball throwing tower, Rubber duck racing, Volley court, Sandball-ball throwing game, Mini-excavator area, Weather Station, Archimedes screw -exhibit & Waterwheel -exhibit, Newton's Pendulum Action - Reaction -exhibit, Pendulum waves -exhibit, Archimedes claw mechanism -exhibit, Principle of Conservation of angular momentum -exhibit, Vortex -exhibit, Solar energy bots exhibit, Transfer of energy - exhibit, Einstein's theory of general relativity and geometric gravity - exhibit, Perpetual motion machines- why they can't be realized -exhibit, Protractor (angle meter) swing, Spinning illusion wheels, Flying fox activity - Omega, Ladder ball /ladder golf, Sound district, slackline activity for all ages, Medium soccer field, Domesticated animal farm.
Entrance fee: 6 Euro /per person
Winter 11.00 -15.00
Summer 11.00 -15.00 & 17.30 - 20.30&
Tuesday & Thursday closed. In August daily open!