Agios Vasilios is a village in Achaea, Peloponnese, Greece and it is By the Sea.
Agios Vasilios is much more than a pin on the map! Just because you don’t see sights, restaurants, hotels or points of interest listed here, doesn’t mean they
don’t exist.
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what is worth visiting in Agios Vasilios.
Rio, Patras, Achaea, Peloponnese The Rio–Antirrio Bridge (Greek: Γέφυρα Ρίου-Αντιρρίου), officially the Charilaos Trikoupis Bridge after the statesman...
Rio, Patras, Achaea, Peloponnese Casino Rio offers entertainment around the clock at a cosmopolitan setting.
Try your luck, having fun with the most popular games...